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ELECAMPANE is used in any chronic lung condition as a trophorestorative. It acts as a warming expectorant and is anti-inflammatory, immunostimulatory and somewhat sedating overall, is most indicated in irritating bronchial coughs (asthma, TB, whooping cough, croup), especially in children or the elderly. Will remove excess mucus and chronic catarrh). As a warming digestive bitter it will tonify the digestive tract as a whole. Has traditional use as a surgical antiseptic and can be used as an antimicrobial topically.

Ingredients: Elecampane Root. Alcohol 40%. Ratio: 1:3 

Tastes: Pungent. Bitter
Organ Systems Influenced: Respiratory. Digestive. Mucosa

Actions:  Diaphoretic. Diuretic. Expectorant. Alterative. Antimicrobial. Anti-parasitic

Recommended Dose:  15-30 drops three times a day

DISCLAIMER: I make no claim my remedies can be used to treat or cure a specific medicinal condition

Results may vary based on the individual user and are not guaranteed.


ELECAMPANE (Inula helenium) TINCTURE 100ml

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