EYEBRIGHT has traditionally been used for acute catarrhal diseases of the eyes, nose, and ears (e.g. acute coryza, infections, poor vision, styes/hordeolum, sinusitis & conjunctivitis)
Especially indicated when condition is associated with heat or pain in the eyes or frontal sinus with profuse watery flow, both topically (as poultice or eye wash) and internally.
Considered a mucous membrane tonic in any case of copious discharge of mucous (watery or acrid) such as leucorrhea, gonorrhea, coughs, earache, headache, catarrh of the bladder, diarrhea, and mucous discharge from the intestinal tract
Ingredients: Eyebright. Alcohol 40%. Ratio 1:3
Tastes: Astringent. Bitter
Organ Systems Influenced: Respiratory. Circulatory
Recommended Dose: 15-30 drops three times a day
Disclaimer: This product is not intended to treat, mitigate, or prevent disease. Results may vary based on the individual user and are not guaranteed
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